Monday, May 11, 2009

More insurance rate increases - Liberty Mutual, Liberty Northwest, Oregon Automobile Insurance Co.... details

Liberty Northwest Insurance Corporation, member of Liberty Mutual Group,

has filed a rate increase for their Private Passenger Auto program in

Oregon with an  effective date of May 11, 2009 for new and June 26, 2009

for renewal business.  They are adjusting base unities for Bodily Injury,

Property Damage, Personal Injury Protection, Uninsured/Underinsured

Motorist Bodily Injury and Collision coverages, to reflect their Oregon

loss experience. The changes in the filing will have an overall rate level

impact of 9.1% increase.

Liberty Mutual Group has a 2.9% market share and is the eleventh largest

carrier in Oregon.

Liberty Mutual Insurance Companies have revised rates and rules applicable

to their Homeowners Program in Oregon. The effective date is April 13, 2009

for new and May 19, 2009 for renewal business.   Impact of the changes by

company is:

North Pacific Insurance Company:          15.0% or about 1,090,645 in

annual premium

Oregon Automobile Insurance Company:      28.75% or about 254,049 in annual


Liberty Mutual Group has 10.1% market share.  North Pacific Insurance

Company has 1.4% of the share and Oregon Automobile Insurance Company has


Posted via email from Corey's posterous

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