Saturday, January 31, 2009

Plane lifted out of Hudson River. pics




Cool pics most would never see.

Subject: FW: Plane lifted out of Hudson River



These are some  remarkable photographs that not every one will get to see.




This  from a friend who got the pics from the crane  operator.
Note  that only one engine was sheered off, not  both...  And considering that landing in water  is like landing on concrete, not a whole lotta  damage to the Airbus fuselage... Musta been  one great spash landing.   
  These  photos were taken by the crane operator lifing the  Airbus out of the Hudson  River .  He's a friend of my  buddy, a fellow member of the  CG Aux.  ..   They lifted the airliner out of  the Hudson yesterday...  It's now bein' looked at right here in the  port of Jersey City  








See and download the full gallery on posterous

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