Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cool opportunity for free web listing from a Queer Site - Queercents

Hi Everyone,

Queercents is about to launch the Queercents Professional Directory (located at http://blogs.queercents.com/about/). The Directory is a place to browse for LGBT and LGBT-friendly professionals. We all know from our day-to-day experiences and those shared at Queercents that the issues faced by LGBT people take on a unique spin. This is why it is often important to work with professionals who know how to deal with the unique issues of our lives.

What sets the Queercents Directory apart from other web and chamber listings is that you see a business’ information but also view an extended profile and get to know this person through their articles and blog posts published on the directory site. Here is a sample profile listing: http://blogs.queercents.com/allisoneinbinder/

We're looking to add beta testers over the next week and hope that you might be able to ask a couple of professionals in your personal network to join the Directory (e.g. financial advisors, accountants, attorneys, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, insurance agents, professional coaches, etc). They can sign up here: http://blogs.queercents.com/wp-signup.php

In return for being a beta tester, Queercents will waive the $150 annual fee for the first year. After they complete the registration process, they just need to email me (nina@queercents.com) with their user name so I can override the fee and allow their listing to go live - they do not need to pay via the Paypal prompt.

We're trying to populate the Directory with real professionals and work out any last minute technical bugs before making a push to sign up paying Directory members. We'll be promoting the Directory on Queercents.com after the beta period.

I would be deeply appreciative if you could forward this email to a couple of LGBT or LGBT-friendly professionals in your network that might benefit from this free offer. We're trying to sign up 30 or more beta users in the next week.

Thank you so much for your help and continual support of Queercents.


Nina Smith, Founder
Queercents / Online Media Kit / Newsletter
We're here, we're queer, and we're not going shopping without coupons.

Posted via email from Corey's posterous

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