Monday, April 06, 2009

Went to cancel my Efax acct. waited on hold for 10 mins, got h/u on, called back, waited again, got 2 months free. Still leaving. see chat dialogue.

Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond. You are currently number 1 of 1 in the queue. Thank you for your patience.
Chat Information
You are now chatting with 'Betty'
Betty: Welcome to the sales team. How may I help you?
Corey Kaster: hi Betty, I need to cancel my account
Betty: In order to cancel your account, please contact us at  1-323-817-3215, a Customer Service representative will  assist you in the cancellation process. We are available 24  hours a day, 7 days a week. Is there anything other then  that I can help you with?
Corey Kaster: NO... you are going to cancel my account
Corey Kaster: I have been on hold with them for 10 mins, got hung up on, and no am on hold again
Corey Kaster: ?
Betty: In order to cancel your account, please contact us at  1-323-817-3215, a Customer Service representative will  assist you in the cancellation process. We are available 24  hours a day, 7 days a week. Is there anything other then  that I can help you with?
Corey Kaster: wow... an automated response... typical of the company. 
Corey Kaster: I am glad I am leaving 
Betty: I'm sorry for the delay. I'll be right with you.


Posted via email from Corey's posterous

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